Sunday, April 5, 2009

This photo was taken while my grandpa was on the campaign trail.
Standing: Tricia, Eileen, MaryEllen, Danny, Betsy, Dossie, Kathy
Sitting: Anne, Margie, Sheila, Grandma (Eileen), Grandpa (Harry), David, Joey.

I grew up staring at this photo. I like to imagine what each of my aunts and uncles were like back then as well as my grandparents raising twelve kids. It's the most interesting to imagine the past and match it with the present--to ask about stories and personality traits that have stayed with people--and now look to their children--and watch the generations connect.

My grandpa hired someone's friend's band to write a campaign jingle for him. At his funeral my mom sang it and everyone else joined in. I wonder what Harry J. was like on the campaign trail, what the parties were like, his speeches--and what that must have been like for the kids. I'll have to call my mom and ask her to sing the song so I can type it here. The lyrics went to the tune "So Happy Together" ....if you vote for Harry callaghan, he's your man, He will rally, something about schools and taxes, housing no one can?

By the way, my grandma is a fox. Look at her little thang after twelve chillin (children slang)! She and my grandfather in white, their house on infamous Berkley Avenue, and a fancy evening out.

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